Special Adviser of the United Nations Secretary-General (Jun 13 – Feb 15)

Investing in an Inclusive and Dynamic Timor-Leste
2014 Timor-Leste and Development Partners Meeting (TLDPM)
25 July 2014, Dili
Unlocking the Potential of Inter-Regional Cooperation
The Summit of the Country of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)
24 July 2014, Dili
Zero Hunger Challenge: Make Hunger History
Launch of the National Action Plan on Hunger and Malnutrition Free Timor-Leste
20 July 2014, Dili
Launch of the UN Zero Hunger Challenge in Timor-Leste
9 January 2014, Dili
Growing Together Inclusively: Regional Integration, ASEAN, and Timor-Leste
2014 Inaugural Seminar on ASEAN Economic Community by 2015
9 January 2014, Dili
Advancing Timor-Leste’s Development
2013 Timor-Leste & Development Partners Meeting
19 June 2013, Dili
Crises, Transitions & Development: Challenges and Lessons from the Asian Development Journey
International Conference on the post-2015 Development Agenda
27 February 2013, Dili
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